There is no doubt that reducing empty calorie consumption
is a necessary component for eradicating the obesity epidemic. In recent years, several approaches have been
promoted as means of targeting large numbers of the American people who are
either currently obese or at risk of becoming obese. Some of these measures include restricting
advertisement of junk foods to children, requiring calorie labeling on menus and
restricting the size of sugar-sweetened beverages that are sold. While there is not universal agreement on the
appropriateness of these approaches, we can safely say that measures targeted
towards promoting health and preventing obesity can and should be equally
applied to all Americans regardless of their economic status.
That is not the case with promoting the restriction of
purchasing sugar-sweetened beverages with food stamps. In order to qualify for SNAP benefits,
individuals must have income that falls below 130% of the Federal Poverty Line;
however, the income can go as high as 200% of the Federal Poverty Line for
families receiving non-cash TANF services.
As the argument goes, obesity is an epidemic that costs
the healthcare system millions of dollars and a significant amount of federal
dollars are being diverted from other important programs to underwrite treating
this epidemic. Therefore, the government
should have greater discretion as to what it does and doesn’t subsidize within
its food programs as a way to impact the obesity epidemic and bend the health
care cost curve.
It is not clear that restricting food purchase choices in
a way that targets poor people will result in changed behaviors related to food
choices and healthy eating. However, if
we accept the premise that targeting groups of individuals who receive federal
dollars to purchase food is an effective way to decrease obesity, why stop at SNAP
benefits? There are more than 2 million
federal employees and a growing number of elderly who use federal dollars to
buy food for themselves and their families every day. Both of these groups of individuals would
benefit from decreased consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and the
potential savings accrued from their improved health would contribute
additional health care savings. These
examples underscore the point that our perceptions of acceptable and reasonable
restrictions on groups of individuals, especially if they are poor, are
One approach we at the Baltimore City Health Department
have chosen to take to promote healthy food purchase and eating is evidenced through
our Virtual Supermarket Program in which healthier food choices are
incentivized at point of purchase. The
VSP is a program that is designed to improve food access for SNAP recipients
who live in food deserts. Individuals get $10 health bucks every fourth order
they make with the Virtual Supermarket to purchase fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, and low-fat dairy products.
Ultimately, our approach respects an individual’s agency
around health and wellness decisions and provides greater opportunities for sustainable
behavioral change that can help turn the tide on obesity.
I'm curious to hear your take on the situation, Baltimore. How are you impacted by this issue? Please share your comments below.
I'm curious to hear your take on the situation, Baltimore. How are you impacted by this issue? Please share your comments below.
Take care, B’more.
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